Behavioral Cloning

For this project, a reviewer will be testing the model that you generated on the first test track (the one to the left in the track selection options).

Whether you decide to zip up your submission or submit a GitHub repo, please follow the naming conventions below to make it easy for reviewers to find the right files:

  • - The script used to create and train the model.
  • - The script to drive the car. You can feel free to resubmit the original or make modifications and submit your modified version.
  • model.h5 - The saved model. Here is the documentation explaining how to create this file.
  • writeup_report as a markdown or pdf file. It should explain the structure of your network and training approach. The writeup must also include examples of images from the dataset in the discussion of the characteristics of the dataset. While we recommend using English for good practice, writing in any language is acceptable (reviewers will translate). There is no minimum word count so long as there are complete descriptions of the problems and the strategies. See the rubric and the for more details about the expectations.
  • video.mp4 - A video recording of your vehicle driving autonomously at least one lap around the track.

**As a reminder all of the files we provide for this project ( rubric , simulator, github repository, track 1 sample data) can be found in the lecture slide titled "Project Resources". **